index - Graphs for Inferences on Knowledge Accéder directement au contenu



 Graphs for Inferences on Knowledge

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Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Knowledge bases Argumentation Query rewriting Semantic web Decision support system Expert knowledge RDF Acyclicity CONCEPTUAL GRAPHS Knowledge Representation Knowledge representation Graphes Conceptuels Ontologies Complexity Backward chaining Graphes Heuristics Decision support Algorithm Preferences RDFS Inconsistency Negation Critère de choix Chase Selection criterion Conceptual graphs Homomorphisme Modeling Information integration Analyse multicritère Agrifood chain control AI Explanation OWL Information extraction Déduction Food packaging Experiments Algorithms Annotation Conjunctive Queries with Negation ASPIC+ Reasoning Knowledge management Data integration Linked data TGD Datalog+ SPARQL Flexible querying Homomorphism Intelligence Artificielle Existential Rules Agroalimentaire Argumentation systems Conceptual Graphs Deduction Ontologie Informatique Existential rules Animal food product Artificial intelligence Decision Support System Agent-based simulation Outil d'aide à la décision Semantic Web Description Logics Reverse engineering TOPIC MAPS Ontology Argumentation framework Knowledge base Alternative First-order logic Knowledge integration Query answering Graphs Argumentation Framework Intelligence artificielle Conceptual Graph Graphes conceptuels Aide à la décision Rules Decidability Algorithme Conceptual graph Artificial Intelligence Query language Decision making Représentation des connaissances Règles existentielles Sustainability Applications Base de connaissances Databases Web sémantique Logic-based argumentation Ontology-Based Data Access